Thursday, August 14, 2014

Another Day, Another Negative OPK

I imagine that this will be how it goes for quite a while. In fact, I was willing to bet yesterday's OPK was going to be negative since I'm still so early in my cycle, so I skipped it. Today I figured I would take one (even though I suspect they will continue to be negative through out the weekend. Should become positive the beginning of next week). I figured that it would at least be of interest to see if the line is getting darker. The answer is: YES! Maybe. Is that just the light?

Regardless, it's still negative. Also, I now know why TTC-ers say TTC is "stressful". I always thought this was a preposterous proclamation. I mean... You know what you have to do to get pregnant, right? Isn't there like, a million and one studies that verify having sex is among the top stress-leavers? Yes, yes it is. But peeing on a stick and scrutinizing just how negative it is, might still be enough to drive a person mad. And I've only done it twice. And I'm not even hoping to get pregnant this month. I mean!

Anyway, here is today's OPK:

And since I thought it would be fun to do a comparison, (my new idea of 'FUN' you guys), I decided to do a pic stitch. 

And there you have it. I think it's just the light. But it might look a little darker. Guys, do you think it looks a little darker!?!

This is my life now. Obsessing over pee sticks. The craziest part is: I can't wait to do it again tomorrow. 

Until then... Peace, Love and Happy Things 

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