Hey folks!
Despite what you may have thought, I did not forget about you! I did however realize that I shared this link with a couple of close friends and to suddenly stop updating it right around when I was supposed to find out if I was pregnant would be a dead-give away and I wanted the husband to be the first to know.
Well, looky here:
First time was the charm, apparently! We got a positive OPK on September 14th and wasted no time! 9 days later I took a test that looked negative, but when I came back (after the alotted time frame) I thought I saw a veeery faint line. I took another test and the same thing happened. I was too impatient to wait for a truly conclusive test and told Scot that night. I tested with a first response the following day and got a faint positive, and the next day I took this digital. No denying that!
Because this will likely be our last pregnancy, I want to remember everything, and you, lucky little blog, get to be the beneficiary of my wealth of pregnancy information.
One of the first things I vowed to do this time was to take belly pictures. TONS of them. One a day, in fact. And so far I have only missed one day. Not too shabby, considering it's been over a month! Now, this early on, you can see that the belly has been fluctuating. Which leads me to blame bloat not baby on the little belly in some of these photos. However, I am feeling a little thicker around the waist line, and this is baby number 3, so perhaps the baby bump is just around the corner.
In the future, I will share my baby bump pictures for the week on Wednesdays, when baby graduates to the next week of gestation. But here is what we have so far:
Wow! My apologies for the lack of symmetry in those photographs. The photo adjustment tools are a little wonky on this thing. I'll get the hang of it eventually!
That will be all for now, but I will be reporting back again soon!
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