Friday, August 15, 2014

An Inconvenient Truth

Guys. I have for you today... An inconvenient truth. Can you guess what it is? It isn't about hail the size of golf balls. It isn't about monstrous tsunami's. It's not about climate change at all. In fact... Shit is about to get real here.

It's about...


Any good TTCer (trying-to-concieve-er) knows the acronym FMU. It's not a weird(er) cousin to the bird called EMU. It's not a typo for "FU". It's First. Morning. Urine.

Early on in my pregnancy with my oldest daughter I was informed that when you take a pregnancy test with anything other than your first morning urine (the first time you pee after waking up), a thousand angel babies cry. No, not really. But supposedly it isn't as accurate to take a urine test mid-day as it is in the morning. The theory is that because you haven't been drinking all night, your urine is less diluted and will be more likely to pick up any baby-hormones lurking in your pee. Yum. I warned you it was getting real.

Well because I am an EXPERT at trying to get pregnant (which, you know, I still haven't actually tried to do. Ever.) I know better. FMU ShmeFMU. I can pee on any old stick whenever I want and it will be fiiiiine. I say this because I am a night shift worker and last night, I happened to work. Last night I also happened to drink copious portions of coffee in order to not become comatose. I figure, eh, how big of a difference can it make? It's better to take the test the same time every day than to wait until my urine is all dehydrated and whatnot.

However, by the looks of these tests, I am getting farther away from ovulation, not closer to it. So there you have it folks. Inconvenient? Yep. True? You betcha. The proof:

See you lovely folks tomorrow!

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